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Philadelphia Skyline

The tragedy continues Iraqi Troops, Militias Clash in Basra, but pay no heed John McBush says he don’t give a damn this is the bestest darn war since Vietnam. The media including CNN or the Conservative news Network  continues to give McBush a free ride,  Kurtz continues to cover Wright comments while giving short shrift to McCain’s crazy endorsers Hagee and Parsley. Kevin Drum  looks at McBush’s record and policy positions and there ain’t a whole lot there that is rational. Nothing that will turn around the most massive debt in our history or get us out of Iraq.

Let’s recap. Foreign policy cred lets him get away with wild howlers on foreign policy. Fiscal integrity cred lets him get away with outlandishly irresponsible economic plans. Anti-lobbyist cred lets him get away with pandering to lobbyists. Campaign finance reform cred lets him get away with gaming the campaign finance system. Straight talking cred lets him get away with brutally slandering Mitt Romney in the closing days of the Republican primary. Maverick uprightness cred allows him to get away with begging for endorsements from extremist religious leaders like John Hagee. “Man of conviction” cred allows him to get away with transparent flip-flopping so egregious it would make any other politician a laughingstock. Anti-torture cred allows him to get away with supporting torture as long as only the CIA does it.