EXPLOSIVE NEW AUDIO Reveals White House Using NEA to Push Partisan Agenda or Not

That Liberty Shall Not Perish…circa 1940s

The poster is a shocking reminder that our government has been known to promote its agenda

The current headline at a conservative site that has been hanging in the wind trying to generate traffic reads “EXPLOSIVE NEW AUDIO Reveals White House Using NEA to Push Partisan Agenda”. Only its far from explosive ( The NEA “Scandal”: That’s It?) or new, Yosi Sergant, Administration Aide Demoted: Glenn Beck Strikes Again – First Posted: 09-10-09

UPDATE: The NEA has updated their statement to emphasize that Yosi Sargent remains with the agency, but in a different position: “As regards Yosi Sergant, he has not left the National Endowment for the Arts. He remains with the agency, although not as director of communications.”  – ( Another way of saying he was demoted)

[   ]…”On August tenth, the National Endowment for the Arts participated in a call with arts organizations to inform them of the president’s call to national service. The White House office of public engagement also participated in the call, which provided information on how the Corporation for National and Community Service can assist groups interested in sponsoring service projects or having their members volunteer on other projects. This call was not a means to promote any legislative agenda and any suggestions to that end are simply false. The NEA regularly does outreach to various organizations to inform of the work we are doing and the resources available to them.”

The language that Sergant used was ironically in-artful. He was demoted. Which seems appropriate unless you’re Andrew Breitbart or Glenn Beck, who apparently are determined to whine the story to the apex of of all controversies. Unless someone from the Obama administration is tied down and given a lethal injection for these dastardly deeds we’re promised untold years of shrill cries of yet more conservative victimhood.

Some skillful satire on Beck and Breitbart here,  Conservatives are outraged over an actual outrage? Color me impressed.

Big Hollywood, conservatives are positively fuming over the Bush Administration‘s decision to funnel $2.2 billion through the White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives….

Click over for the rest, well worth the time.

Some other bloggers commenting on the story, New word – “beck”( a reminder that the White House did not promise a penny to anyone involved in the conference call initiated by the arts organizations) and TGW picked up on the same meme I did. Our government has been sponsoring the arts for some time now and sometimes it has an agenda, Andrew “BIG” Breitbart Promotes “Explosive” New NEA Scandal (Yawn).