How Trump gave U.S. steel workers the shaft, used Chinese steel

How Trump gave U.S. steel workers the shaft, used Chinese steel

Plenty of blue-collar workers believe that, as president, Donald Trump would be ready to fight off U.S. trade adversaries and reinvigorate the country’s manufacturing industries through his commitment to the Rust Belt. What they likely don’t know is that Trump has been stiffing American steel workers on his own construction projects for years, choosing to deprive untold millions of dollars from four key electoral swing states and instead directing it to China—the country whose trade practices have helped decimate the once-powerful industrial center of the United States.

Trump supporters range from literal Nazis, to greedy top 10%ers to angry working class whites who want to know what happened to their manufacturing jobs they could rely on for forty years, then retire with a pension. The last group has mostly themselves to blame. Just like every other Conservative politician Trump wraps his garbage and hypocrisy in the flag and once elected screws over those workers and blames their plight on the vast liberal conspiracy. We have a major election every two years, one would think theses diehard working class Conservatives would catch on; every Rightie from Sean Hannity to Trump to the Kochs spends thousands of hours and millions of dollars a year convincing them of all these wacky conspiracy theories so those voters will shoot themselves in the foot.